Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)

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Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)

B Pharmacy 

Some of the program specific outcomes are mentioned below:


PSO 1: Prepared to implement the knowledge gained during the course of the program from pharmacology, pharmaceutics, medicinal chemistry, pharmacognosy, APHE, communication skills, pharmaceutical analysis, biotechnology, biochemistry, cosmetology and environmental studies.


PSO 2: Develops knowledge of ethical and management principle required to work in a team as well as to lead a team.


PSO 3: Achieve multidisciplinary jobs in the pharmaceutical industries in various branches and would be able to write relevant and effective project reports in multidisciplinary environment in the context of changing technologies.


PSO4 Prepares to communicate easily and effectively. Would be able to perform multitasks in multifields including pharmaceuticals & cosmetic in timebound manner. Research area would be the key element.



 Programme Specific outcomes (PSOs)

  1. Pharm (Quality Assurance Techniques)


  1. To Understand the applications of Quality assurance and Quality control throughout product life cycle.
  2. To Analyze the Application Based Importance of Emerging Quality Building Concepts in Product Manufacturing.
  3. To Perform Procedures like Method Validation, Process Validation, Equipment /Facilities/Utilities
  4. Validation, Documents and Records Designing as per the Regulatory Standards Leading to compliance of cGMP.
  5. To Understand the Regulatory requirements of Pharmaceuticals.


Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  1. Pharm(Pharmaceutics)


Locates on patients and products, accordingly the curriculum has been framed. The theoretical concepts are specifically taught in theory and further the concepts are strengthened and measured during practical’s.

Develops knowledge regarding dosage forms, drug delivery systems, biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetic study, computer aided drug development during the program and to understand dosage form design, optimization, in-vitro parameters and relevant techniques for drug development.

Describes research methodology, key aspects in research and scientific writing to present the research work.

Establishes knowledge regarding newer technology and skills in technology development and achieve maximum output.




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