Freshers Party
January 21, 2021 2024-03-20 8:18Freshers Party
Under the agies of IQAC, Cultural committee organized Fresher’s Party 2024 at the Siddhant College of Pharmacy on 9th March 2023 Saturday, at SCOP Seminar Hall . All first year student was welcomed by giving token of love (Gift).Cultural program like dance, songs etc. was also arranged for the students Lunch was offered to the students by Management .For the all first year students arranged the different types of games. All students participated in games 2 students (runner and winner) selected from every round. 6 students go for the final after final round was conducted in that arranged different games then ask the GK questions and finalized Mr. and Miss freshers.
1) Miss fresher- Saniya Qureshi
2) Mr. fresher – Pranit Kalokhe